Groo was born by an ordinary farmer and the proud family name means "The Cattle are Dying". He was born totally mindless due to a curse his father had recieved from an evil sorcerer that could read peoples minds. Groo later became plagued with bad luck and almost everything he did turned out bad eventhough his intentions almost always was honourable.

Groo in a classic moment Since he was dumb but strong he later became a great warrior in Sakisamas army and it was there that he recieved his swords. His true and loyal friend (and only friend for that matter) is his dog Rufferto. Rufferto stumbled onto Groo when he fled from his former master, a royal house which still has a reward out for him returned (with his priceless necklace).

That's the short story of Groo the Wanderer, if you want the long version go buy "The Life of Groo" to see it with Sergio Aragonés fantastic art.